Preexisting conditions are "killing" Republicans everywhere. Congressman Tom MacArthur of New Jersey's 3rd district was being booed at a town hall in Willingboro, New Jersey. During an address to a question about preexisting conditions random town hall goers started heckling the Congressman and later on chants of "single payer... single payer... single payer...". Some hostility even broke out between individuals on opposite sides of the spectrum with some taking the Congressman's side and suggesting the unhappy constituents could shove something where the sun doesn't shine. The Congressman then went on to dismiss further questions about healthcare saying they would come back to the issue with many of the constituents chanting "liar..liar.." throughout his responses. The town hall then swung to the issue of Russia and the firing of former FBI Director James Comey. Asked if he felt President Trump's behavior was treasonous the cong...